Benefits of Monthly vs. Traditional Session-Based Swimming
Unlike traditional swimming lessons that have 8 to 12 week long sessions for each level, here at KCS, we have a monthly subscription program. Monthly swimming has numerous benefits including:
- Flexibility: No matter how busy your schedule is, we have a time and a class for you and your child. You can join KCS at any time throughout the year and you don’t have to wait for a new term to start. Going on vacation for the holidays? You don’t need to worry about missing a swim class and losing money. Life moves fast so we allow you to cancel your lessons any time before your monthly renewal and start up again when you’re ready.
- Progressions at Your Child’s Pace: Kids learn to swim at different paces. While some kids speed through, learning to swim at a blistering pace, others take more time to work through the different skills required to swim. At KCS monthly lessons cater to both! Unlike session based swimming, kids who are working through their lessons quickly can advance when they’re ready – no need to wait till the end of the session. For kids that need a bit more time in one level, since kids are all passing levels at different times, no child will ever feel like they failed and can take the time they need to learn their skills. Every child will progress when they are ready.
Our Centre is purpose-built for your child and everything we do is designed to work towards each child’s individual needs.